
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Neurocosmetics might sound like the preferred foundation makeup for a Replicant in Ridley Scott’s reboot of the Bladerunner franchise. But despite the futuristic name, neurocosmetics are nothing new. In fact, the term was coined shortly after the turn of the 21st century and has been actively gaining traction among cosmetics manufactures since around 2007.

Just what are neurocosmetics? The term can be vaguely defined as "a topical product that is non-toxic locally and not reabsorbed, and that has demonstrated activity on the cutaneous nerve system or on the effects of cutaneous neuromediators." More simply put, neurocosmetics are products that typically contain anti-aging or other special ingredients that work on the neurological level to produce a soothing, ‘feel good’ effect.

A neurocosmetic’s active ingredient typically targets the nerve endings of the skin, which may be grow increasingly sensitive with age to outside stimuli such as cold, heat, pressure or itching, to produce a sense of calm and well-being. Consumers who more than normally sensitive to traditional cosmetics, or who are just looking for some relief from the stress of their day-to-day lives, are actively seeking out alternatives, which could include neurocosmetic products capable of producing a demonstrable feeling of smoother, healthier, less wrinkled, more radiant skin.

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