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Oklahoma ABLE - Alcoholic Beverage License Classes

OKOklahoma ABLE Training - Alcohol Seller Server Classes

Course details:

  • Course access for 60 days
  • Certificate valid for 3 years
  • Secure site by LetsEncrypt.org
  • Verified Authorize.Net merchant
Take this course – $9

Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control - Seller Server Classes

Oklahoma ABLE Seller Server Course

This is a self-paced course available 24/7 and is offered in English and Spanish.

Name:  ABLE Seller Server Training
Price: $9
Availability: 24/7

Alcohol Beverage Sellers Servers Education and Training Classes - This Oklahoma ABLE training course consists of 5 modules outlined below:

Module 1: Oklahoma ABLE Commission Seller-Server Training Overview
After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:

  • Correctly define terms relating to the sale or serving of alcohol in the state of Oklahoma.
  • Describe the purpose, goals, and rules for seller-server training and certification.
  • State the intent of Oklahoma laws relating to alcohol sales to minors and intoxicated persons, and prohibitions against employees drinking while on duty.

Module 2: Oklahoma Laws Concerning Underage Sales
After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:

  • Correctly define the laws regarding selling, furnishing or giving alcohol beverages to persons under 21 including associated penalties.
  • Determine whether a sale of alcohol is legal or illegal with regards to a minor in any given situation.

Module 3: Oklahoma law concerning sales to intoxicated persons
After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:

  • Correctly define the laws regarding knowingly selling, furnishing or giving alcoholic beverages to insane, mentally deficient or intoxicated persons including associated penalties.
  • Determine whether a sale of alcohol is legal or illegal with regards to an intoxicated person in a variety of different situations.
  • Define blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and list factors that affect BAC in individuals.
  • Use observations to detect if a person is intoxicated.

Module 4: Legal Penalties for Illegal Sales to Minors or Intoxicated Persons
After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:

  • Given a scenario, state if a sale of alcohol is legal or illegal with regards to an intoxicated person.
  • Define blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and list factors that affect BAC in individuals.
  • Use observation to detect if a person is intoxicated.
  • Given a scenario, select appropriate intervention techniques for preventing sales to intoxicated persons.
  • Use strategies on how to refuse service when necessary

Module 5: Recognizing fake identification cards & Methods for eliciting information from patrons with questionable identification
When you complete this module, you will be able to do the following:

  • Correctly state the laws and intent regarding when it legal to refuse service.
  • Describe how seller-servers may be held responsible for the acts of their customers (Dram Shop Act).
  • Correctly state the legal hours of operation & sales.
  • Correctly state the laws regarding consumption after hours including the penalties for selling alcohol outside of legal hours of operation.
  • State the laws regarding employee consumption of alcohol while working including penalties involved.